Linux is a free and open-source operating system that was created by Linus Torvalds in 1991. It is based on the Unix operating system, which was developed in the 1970s at AT&T’s Bell Labs.

An operating system(OS) is a piece of system software that manages computer hardware and software resources while also providing common services to computer programs. The operating system also enables you to communicate with the computer even if you do not understand its language. A computer cannot function without an operating system. Popular operating systems include: Linux, Windows and Mac OS.

Linux is used on a wide variety of devices, including personal computers, servers, smartphones, and embedded systems. It is known for its stability, security, and flexibility, and it is used by individuals and organizations around the world.

Linux is composed of a kernel, which is the central part of the operating system that communicates with the computer’s hardware, and a set of user programs and libraries. The kernel and user programs are written in a variety of programming languages, including C, C++, and Python.

Linux is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), which allows anyone to modify and distribute the operating system as long as they make the source code available. This has led to the development of a large number of different Linux distributions, or versions of Linux that have been customized for different purposes. Some examples of popular Linux distributions include Ubuntu, Fedora, and Debian.

Linux is often used as an alternative to proprietary operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows and Apple’s macOS, because it is freely available and can be modified to meet the specific needs of an organization or individual. It is also used on many servers because of its stability and security.


Linux is a free and open-source operating system that was created by Linus Torvalds in 1991. It is based on the Unix operating system, which was developed in the 1970s at AT&T’s Bell Labs. Unix was designed to be a portable, multi-tasking operating system that could be used on a variety of hardware platforms. It quickly became popular among programmers and researchers, and by the 1980s, it had become the dominant operating system for servers and high-performance workstations.

In the 1980s, the Free Software Foundation (FSF) began developing a free version of Unix called GNU (short for “GNU’s Not Unix”). The FSF developed a number of programs and tools for GNU, including a compiler, a debugger, and a text editor. However, they were unable to develop a kernel, which is the central part of the operating system that communicates with the computer’s hardware.

In 1991, Linus Torvalds, a student at the University of Helsinki, started working on a new kernel for the GNU operating system. He called the kernel Linux and released the first version, which was called version 0.01, on the Internet in September 1991. The source code for Linux was made available under the GNU General Public License (GPL), which allowed anyone to modify and distribute the operating system as long as they made the source code available.

Over the next few years, Linux gained popularity among programmers and researchers. In 1992, the FSF released the first version of the GNU operating system, which included the Linux kernel. This version of GNU was called “Linux” because it included the Linux kernel.

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Linux began to gain wider adoption, especially on servers. This was due in part to the increasing popularity of the Internet, which led to a demand for reliable, secure servers. Linux was also used on a variety of other devices, including personal computers, embedded systems, and smartphones.

Today, Linux is used by individuals and organizations around the world. It is known for its stability, security, and flexibility, and it is used on a wide variety of devices, including personal computers, servers, smartphones, and embedded systems. There are many different Linux distributions, or versions of Linux that have been customized for different purposes, including Ubuntu, Fedora, and Debian.


The Linux kernel is the central part of the Linux operating system that communicates with the computer’s hardware. It is responsible for managing the hardware resources of the system, such as the CPU, memory, and input/output devices, and for providing an interface for user programs to access these resources.

The Linux kernel is written in the C programming language and is composed of several million lines of code. It is designed to be a modular and flexible system, with many different subsystems that can be added or removed as needed.

The Linux kernel is divided into several layers, each of which performs a specific function. At the lowest level is the hardware layer, which consists of drivers that allow the kernel to communicate with the hardware devices on the system. Above the hardware layer is the core kernel, which contains the code that manages the resources of the system, such as the CPU, memory, and input/output devices.

The core kernel is divided into several subsystems, each of which is responsible for a specific area of the system. Some of the subsystems in the Linux kernel include:

  • Memory management: This subsystem is responsible for managing the memory of the system and ensuring that it is used efficiently.
  • Process management: This subsystem is responsible for managing the execution of processes on the system, including scheduling, context switching, and synchronization.
  • Networking: This subsystem is responsible for managing the networking capabilities of the system, including TCP/IP, IPv4, and IPv6.
  • File systems: This subsystem is responsible for managing the file systems on the system, including ext4, NTFS, and FAT32.
  • Security: This subsystem is responsible for implementing security features of the system, including access controls and encryption.

The Linux kernel also includes a number of system calls, which are functions that allow user programs to request services from the kernel. These system calls allow user programs to access the resources of the system, such as the CPU, memory, and input/output devices.

Overall, the Linux kernel is a critical part of the Linux operating system that enables it to interact with the hardware and provide a platform for user programs to run on. It is known for its stability, security, and flexibility, and it is used on a wide variety of devices, including personal computers, servers, smartphones, and embedded systems.


Linux now powers almost everything, but many people are unaware of this. Some may be familiar with Linux and may have heard that it is used to power supercomputers. But today, Linux has a plethora of real-world applications. Here are a few examples.

  • Phones: In truth, Linux is the operating system that runs one of the world’s most widely used platforms, Android.
  • Most electronic devices in many households like Smart TV.
  • Ebook Readers and Tablets
  • Desktops and laptops
  • Businesses and governments like stock exchange.
  • Routers and switches.

The list goes on and on. Today, Linux has a wide range of practical applications.

Linux is not only a pastime for hackers; it has many practical applications for both work and play. If you can think of it, someone has used Linux to achieve it, from managing web servers to computing data to playing old-school video games.


Linux distributions, or distros, are versions of the Linux operating system that have been customized and packaged for specific purposes or audiences. Each Linux distro includes the Linux kernel, which is the central part of the operating system that communicates with the computer’s hardware, and a set of user programs and libraries.

Linux distros are often customized for specific purposes, such as running a server, developing software, or creating a home theater system. They can be used on a wide variety of devices, including personal computers, servers, smartphones, and embedded systems.

Linux distros are distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), which allows anyone to modify and distribute the operating system as long as they make the source code available. This has led to the development of a large number of different Linux distros, each with its own unique features and characteristics.

Top 10 most popular linux distributions:


Five most important reasons:

1. Higher Level of security:
The simplest approach to safeguard against viruses and malware on your computer is to install and run Linux. When Linux was developed, the security factor was taken into consideration, and it is considerably less susceptible to viruses than Windows.

2. Higher stability:
The Linux operating system is relatively reliable and does not frequently crash. Even after several years, the Linux OS still operates at the same speed as it did when it was originally installed. The majority of us must have seen that a Windows system that has just been installed works incredibly quickly before slowing down after six to twelve months. The majority of the time, your only choice is to completely reinstall the OS and all other software. The availability and uptime of Linux servers are both very good, at about 99.9%. A Linux server does not require a reboot after each update or patch, unlike Windows. As a result, Linux is the operating system that runs on the most servers online.

3. Free and Open Source
Users using Linux are not required to make any payments at all. There is all the fundamental software needed by both an average user and an advanced user. The fact that Linux is a Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) program is its most crucial feature.

4. Can run on old hardware
Linux utilizes the system’s resources very effectively. Linux installations can be tailored for individual users and for certain hardware needs. Users can pick and choose whatever modules they want to install thanks to the extremely flexible installation process. This enables them to install Linux even on outdated hardware, enabling the best possible use of all the machine’s capabilities.

5. Community Support
To fix an issue you are having with your Linux system, you do not need to engage a professional.
You only need to conduct a web search for a related subject to find a solution or start a thread to get help from others.

In conclusion, Linux is an excellent operating system that provides a range of benefits to its users. Its flexibility, cost-effectiveness, stability, and security are just some of the advantages that make it a compelling choice. If you are looking for an operating system that can cater to your needs, provide security and stability, and offer a vast array of software options, then Linux is certainly worth considering.

If you require further information about Linux, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are happy to provide you with any additional details or assistance that you may need to enhance your understanding of this operating system.

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